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Learning Sectors

Project Culture Exchange Programme is untraditional peer language learning and international students’ integration programme led by three universities’ student councils. The main goal is to raise awareness and understanding within the student body about different cultures and student backgrounds while preventing discrimination and to help international students to learn Latvian language in fun, untraditional way.

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Learning Sectors

The Students Council of University of Latvia project nursery “LUstabiņa” aims to support current students with children and future students who faces obstacles to enter and stay in higher education because of raising child. Nursery works each work-day and provides students with possibility to leave their kids there while they are in lectures. Project is crucial for current students who cannot afford to pay for nursery and would most likely drop-out of university without this possibility.

Place of origin


Thanks to this service which gives tailored support to students with mental-health issues, allowing them to gain access to, participate in and complete Higher Education, participating students are able to reach comparable outcomes as their peers.

Place of origin


Learning Sectors

The Gender Equality Plan of UOC’s objective is to establish an institutional strategy that aims at achieving real equality between women and men at work and to obtain a balanced participation of men and women in all the occupations and at all responsibility levels.

Place of origin


The Students Parliament of the Republic of Poland initiated a campaign ‘Better Studies’ in June 2014 to influence the revision of Polish HE law. The proposed reforms are on the linking of the curricula and learning outcomes to the student – HEI contract and improving scholarships to address equity, particularly for students with disabilities.