Equity Cases

Place of origin


Learning Sectors

The Brilliant Club is a non-profit organisation focussing that exists to widen access to top universities for outstanding pupils from non-selective state schools. The primary activity is to recruit, train and place doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in non-selective schools and colleges to deliver programmes of university-style tutorials to small groups of outstanding pupils with the aim to develop the knowledge, skills and ambition of these pupils and secure places at top universities.

The Compact Plus Program aims to encourage learners from underrepresented and non-traditional groups to progress to higher education. To this end the University employs a tight targeting mechanism to ensure that learners who need the most support receive it. The Plus Programme is a relationship with the individual student and their parents or carers, and provides a number of intensive support opportunities designed to raise aspirations and attainment.

Place of origin


Professor Fluffy is the project guide that inspires primary school children and their parents through an introductory journey into Higher Education. The programme based at the University of Liverpool is implemented across Merseyside tackling inequalities for socio economically disadvantaged communities. The programme includes Professor Fluffy visits to schools, a teacher’s pack, online resources, university visits including parents and Professor Fluffy Road show. The programme has been evaluated as a success and has been replicated.